
Export Proof has the experience, the knowledge and the drive to use these qualifications for your business intentions abroad.

Boundless services for you:

Custom-made export scan

 As a first step Export Proof can perform an export scan. This gives us in a short time, based on a number of core conditions, to what extent your company is ready to start exporting. The result is a sincere advice about the next steps to be taken and a first recommendation about a “go” or “no go”

Tickets around the world

Most prospective clients select one of the below mentioned packages as an introduction prior to a confirmed assignment. In this way the added value of Export Proof can be experienced instantly and without further obligations.

In fact, these so-called tickets around the world mean a number of hours in the introduction phase is free of charge!

Then you decide if and how we proceed. The amounts in question are exclusive of VAT. Introduction packages:

 -12 hour ticket around the world: standard rate  €900,-, introduction rate €750,-

- 24 hour ticket around the world: standard rate €1800,=, introduction rate €1500,-

- 36 hour ticket around the world: standard rate €2700,-. Introduction rate €2250,-

Detailed plan of action.

This plan covers the integrated and complete interpretation of cost, time, conditions, required capacity and mid-term evaluations.

Prospect finding

The positioning is clear. But how do you get in touch with the right people? Export Proof can identify for you the interesting prospects, giving you a head start in terms of time and money!

You can contact us here to discuss the possibilities of cooperation.